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Capacity building programme
This intellectual output consists of online training and related materials aimed at building capacity of schoolteachers and educators. It will pursue to provide teachers with the necessary competences to handle diversity issues and increase the level of teacher preparedness for the promotion and internalisation of inclusive values.
This intellectual output consists of online training and related materials aimed at building capacity of schoolteachers and educators. This outcome is projected to provide teachers with the necessary competences to handle diversity issues and increase the level of teacher preparedness for the promotion and internalisation of inclusive values.
These trainings are aimed to equip secondary school teachers with core competences for fostering inclusiveness and tolerance within school settings. It follows indications of the European Commission included in the Report on Supporting teacher competence development for better learning outcomes (2013a). The final objective of this training is to lead to ‘cultural matches’ between teachers and students and equipping the teachers with the competences needed to teach effectively in diverse classrooms through practical co-curricular activities.
More specifically, the teachers’ capacity are projected to be built in the following aspects:
– Insight into the theoretical foundations of restorative justice, social constructionist theory, narrative couching, and socio-emotional learning
– Sound knowledge frameworks (e.g., about school curricula, education theories, assessment), supported by effective knowledge management strategies classroom
teaching/management skills and strategies related to restorative justice, narrative approaches and socio-emotional learning; understanding of how to apply the techniques in different situations – and specifically to own target group(s)
– Learning about externalising conversations and construction of alternative and preferred stories (re-authoring)
– Adapting plans and practices to contexts and students’ needs
The training contents for teachers is created according to the FAIR SCHOOL inclusive methodology and related schemes (developed via the intellectual output n.º 1). All these training materials are developed in the format of open educational resources (OER).
Work plan
The present intellectual output n.º 2 is developed in the framework of the Work Package (WP) n.º 2 through the following main tasks:
– Define in detail the training courses model e.g., methodology, duration, means, activities, etc.
– Prepare a platform for online training in accordance with the methodology developed in WP n.º 1
– Elaborate training contents based on the FAIR SCHOOL methodology – detailed instruction on implementation of a set of specific co-curricular activities
– Validation of the online training courses amongst secondary school teachers and webinars with experts to clarify doubts
– Joint training event for teachers to explore practical strategies outlined in the methodology during shared-learning activities and exchange of good practices; develop in groups of video tutorials on educational actions to be applied within the classrooms based on the FAIR SCHOOL methodology that will be placed in the online learning platform
– Final modifications of the training e.g., implementation of the feedback gathered from teachers; methodology and contents in accordance with the evaluation results
Leading organisation
Santa Venera, Malta