On 30 March 2023, a Multiplier Event entitled “Restorative practices for enhancing conflict resolution and pupils’ integration within multicultural school settings” was held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Białystok. The event was the activity in the frame of the international project “Fostering inclusive and fair environment for secondary students at intercultural school settings through a novel pedagogical method based on restorative practices and social & emotional learning – FAIRSCHOOL” funded under the ERASMUS+ KA201 programme (project no: 2020-1-ES01-KA201-083026), whose partners are, on the Polish side, University of Białystok and the Secondary School No. 2 of Princess Anna Sapieha Jabłonowska in Bialystok.
Both teams presented to the participants the assumptions, aims, progress, and the results of each stage of the project. In the second part of the meeting, a workshop was arranged on the applications of Serious Games developed by the project partners.
The conference was attended by 30 people – teachers, academics, representatives of non-governmental organisations and educational authorities.