

Pedagogy and methodology

The methodological approach aims to identify the problems of traditional discipline and inclusion policies and offer guidance for reshaping public education within schools to become more restorative and emotional-based. The methodological guide proposes a pathway to generate inclusiveness at both classroom and school levels. The guide is the basis for the pilot implementation of the FAIR SCHOOL programme implemented in secondary schools by teachers and their pupils


The methodological approach aims to identify the problems of traditional discipline and inclusion policies and offer guidance for reshaping public education within schools to become more restorative and emotional-based. It will be in form of a classroom-level and whole school approach implementation guidelines on practical resources and methods for conflict resolution and pupils’ integration based on restorative practices, narrative methods and social & emotional learning approaches. The methodological guide will set out the methods on how to establish inclusive both classroom and school where a significant number of students are from migrant background.

The methodological approach defines the following aspects:

– Skills required for all class members as well as their teachers to understand one another, and to communicate and work together effectively

– Specific activities (contents) to be implemented among pupils; here the serious games are included

– Implementation methods

– Resources needed to implement activities

– Evaluation methods

The main objective of this methodological guide is to become a basis for the pilot implementation of the FAIR SCHOOL programme that is projected to be implemented in secondary schools by teachers and their pupils. It provides strategy, methods and instruments to incorporate activities aimed at fostering good communication and friendly atmosphere amongst students on a transversal basis.

The methodological approach focuses on:

– Establishing trust and safety with and between people

– Explicit classroom practice (routines, procedures and pedagogy)

– Develop empathy, reflection and inquiry.

– Peaceful conflict solving paying attention to repairing harm that may have been done fair school will be based on the following teaching approaches

– project-based work that serves to activate students

– Ensuring that there is teaching about racism, its causes, manifestation, effects on victims and perpetrators, and ways to overcome it

– Developing in students a commitment to values of tolerance, inclusion, fairness and social responsibility, and giving them the skills to act according to those values

– Developing in students an understanding of the key roles of migration in shaping the history of europe

– Promoting multilingualism in schools and seeing mother tongue languages not as a deficit but as a resource

– Developing in students an understanding of the role of race, culture, language and religion in determining individual identity and a sense of community developing and applying skills of critical analysis and critical literacy to media reporting and other texts on issues related to race.

Work plan


To prepare the FAIR SCHOOL methodology, first of all, the elements laying down the basis of the pedagogical approaches is defined commonly by the partnership to ensure a joint understanding of restorative justice, narrative theory and socio-emotional learning.

During the project Kick-off Meeting, the strategic points and first approaches for pedagogical approach and general aspects of FAIR SCHOOL methodology is defined. Further discussions on this issue are developed based on the results of the comprehensive analytical report. After this, the first draft of FAIR SCHOOL methodology is elaborated. This first draft is circulated among all partners to enable implementing modifications if needed. local workshops with teachers are organised in each partner country to ensure a direct feedback from the project target groups. Finally, based on their feedback some adjustments are made, and the final version of the FAIR SCHOOL methodology is delivered. All partners approve the learning module unanimously.

This result (e.g., Intellectual Output, IO) is developed in the framework of the Work Package (WP) n.º1 through the following main tasks:

– T1.1 Design an inclusive methodology to be implemented with students aged from 12 to 18 years old. The method is based on restorative practices, narrative counselling and social and emotional learning approaches for conflict resolution and pupils’ integration.

– T1.2 Validation of the theoretical programme with the secondary schools participating in the project. Study of the resources for a successful implementation: selection of teachers, size of the classes, assortment of co-curricular activities, etc.

– T1.3 Validation of the theoretical programme with the associated partners and other relevant stakeholders dealing with social inclusion of immigrants at school level. Synergies with policies at regional and national level.

Leading organisation

In Dialogue Netherlands

Gouda, Netherlands
