The project Fair School delivers four key results generated by a series of intermediary outputs.
These key deliverables are:
1)This result is entitled Intellectual Output n.º 1 (IO-1) «Fair School inclusive methodology»; it is generated via studies and analysis, data collection and analysis, to deliver a pioneering methodological approach part of Fair school concept, which aims to identify the problems of traditional discipline and inclusion policies and offer guidance for reshaping public education within schools to become more restorative and emotional-based. It will be in form of a classroom-level and whole school approach implementation guidelines on practical resources and methods for conflict resolution and pupils’ integration based on restorative practices, narrative methods and social & emotional learning approaches. The methodological guide will set out the methods on how to establish inclusive both classroom and school where a significant number of students are from migrant background.
2)This result is entitled IO-2 «online capacity building tools for schoolteachers and educators»; it consists in an online training provision and related materials aimed at building capacity of schoolteachers and educators. It will pursue to provide teachers with the necessary competences to handle diversity issues and increase the level of teacher preparedness for the promotion and internalization of inclusive values. These trainings will be aimed to equip secondary school teachers with core competences for fostering inclusiveness and tolerance within school settings. It will follow indications of the European Commission included in the Report on Supporting teacher competence development for better learning outcomes (2013a). The final objective of this training is to lead to ‘cultural matches’ between teachers and students and equipping the teachers with the competences needed to teach effectively in diverse classrooms through practical co-curricular activities.
3)This result is entitled IO-3 «Serious games for pupils and their parents»; it consists of serious games to be used in the environment of a class for engaging pupils with a discipline and inclusion behaviour. The games will be coordinated by the teachers at a class level. The games will consist of short activities of 5-10 minutes that can be implemented during the class to increase an inclusiveness and tolerance environment. Additionally, some of the games will identify routines and behaviours from pupils’ parents that need to be addressed in order to create an inclusive perspective from the students’ home. The final objective of this training is to lead to ‘cultural matches’ among pupils and their parents.
4)This result is entitled IO-4 «Fair School co-curricular activities for secondary schools». It consists in realisng pilot implementation and validation of the Fair School inclusive methodology through co-curricular activities in the secondary schools. Through two rounds of three-month pilot periods of establishing an inclusive classroom and school, the consortium will gain data and feedback to revise and increase effectiveness of the Fair School methodological approaches and co-curricular activities.